List of Awesomeness #1

OK I might have gone overboard with the title but the gist is that I usually come across and curate a personal list of links, tools, websites, images, videos, songs, etc.
Sometimes I bookmark them, sometimes I am distracted and the resource is lost forever. So in order to get some order into the randomness, decided to put it in a small list – things I come across during a whole week of “browsing”.
(since this the first one so will probably end up being a small one as trying to get my head around how I want to categorize and share stuff!)
Code – Pretty sweet full page scrolling library (Trending on Github currently) – Love where Google is going with this! – Haven’t tried it out myself but looks cool. Starred it! Will check it out later!
First of all, I will most likely NOT be putting individual links to Youtube videos (since I think there are already WAYY too many websites which do that!) but instead will pen down interesting channels or my own subscriptions + some non-youtube-lying-in-the-unknown videos
To start off, my current channel subscriptions:
- bollywoodgandu
- CinemaSins
- East India Comedy
- Fail Army
- Google Developers
- How It Should Have Ended (HISHE)
- RayWilliamJohnson (DUH!)
…TBC in the next iteration of the list!